Replica Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Twist PM M59687 White
Fashioned from Epi leather, this Twist PM handbag features a bold bright strap with “Louis Vuitton” 3-D printed on it in silicone. The bag’s LV Twist lock echoes the strap’s gradient colorway as does the interior lining. The strap allows casual cross-body wear but the bag also comes with a handle for hand or elbow carry.
- Quartz White
- Epi grained leather
- Cowhide-leather trim
- Microfiber lining
- Gold-color hardware
- LV Twist lock
- Inside flat pocket with removable mirror
- Large inside pocket
- Strap: Removable, not adjustable
- Strap Drop: 49.0 cm
- Handle: Single, removable