Replica Louis Vuitton Dauphine MM M44599
The Louis Vuitton Dauphine MM M44599 is a modern take on a 1970s design from the House archives. The bag is crafted from Monogram and Monogram Reverse coated canvas. and is accented with black calfskin trim and silver-color hardware. The bag features a bold LV closure that is magnetized. and has two compartments with a middle zip for storage.
The bag comes with two straps – an adjustable and removable leather strap that can be worn for shoulder or cross-body carry with a drop range of 25 cm/9.8 inches to 45 cm/17.7 inches. and a removable chain strap that has a drop of 30 cm/11.8 inches for shoulder carry.
The Dauphine MM is both practical and stylish. with a microfiber lining and a size of 9.8 x 6.7 x 4.1 inches that can hold all the essentials. Its unique blend of vintage design and modern materials make it an on-point accessory for any occasion.