Replica Louis Vuitton AAA-Monogram Empreinte Bumbag Black/Beige
The Louis Vuitton AAA-Monogram Empreinte Bumbag in Black/Beige is a practical and stylish bag designed specifically for women. Measuring 23 x 16 x 10 cm (length x height x width). this smaller version of the classic Bumbag is made from supple Monogram Empreinte leather that is embossed with the Monogram motif. The bag features grained cowhide-leather trim and a microfiber lining. as well as gold-color hardware.
The main compartment of the bag is spacious and includes a D ring for attaching keys or other accessories. There is also a zipped back pocket for additional storage. The bag offers multiple carry options thanks to its top handle and adjustable strap. which can be worn on the shoulder. cross-body. on the waist. or by hand. The strap is not removable but can be adjusted to a length of 78.0 cm or a maximum length of 114.0 cm.
Overall. the Louis Vuitton AAA-Monogram Empreinte Bumbag in Black/Beige is a versatile and practical bag that is perfect for everyday use. Its stylish design and high-quality materials make it a must-have accessory for any fashion-conscious woman.